
Consecration Day 14: Sept 16 (Monday) ✨

Message from Our Leader 🗣️

Bishop Jefferson reminds us that this is a time of divine separation, a time to humble ourselves and seek God’s face with a spirit of expectation. As we do, we can trust that God will meet us in a profound way, healing our hearts, renewing our minds, and positioning us to carry His fresh anointing into the next season of our lives. Let this be a time where we set aside every weight that so easily besets us, where we turn away from distractions and press into the presence of God with fervency and faith. ✨

📍Intercessor: Min. Nasir I. Randolph

🙏🏾Prayer PointFather wash us and send revival

📖Scriptures: Psalm 51:10-12, Acts 2:1,4-6, 12-13, 15-17, 36-37

📝 Revival Definition

(Noun): Jesus is revival. The word “chayah”(Revivla in Hebrew) embodies not only the state of being alive, but also entails the act of preserving life. Additionally, it means restoring something that was once lost or destroyed.

(Verb): “The intellectual resurrection of the revelation of Jesus!” – Min. Randolph

During one of the greatest revivals within scripture, the day of Pentecost, we see that revival came to bring clarity where there was confusion

📌Based on the attributes of the word revival, Jesus IS revival.

  • To Make Alive: John 5:21 – “For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will.”
  • To Give Life: John 10:10 – “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
  • To Recover: John 6:63 – “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.”
  • To Repair: Psalm 147:3 – “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
  • To Restore to Life: John 11:25 – “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.'”
  • To Be Whole: Mark 5:34 – “And He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.'”

Psalms 119:130: The entrance of (thy words->(Revival)) giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.

📌There are three elements to revival

  1. Obedience to God’s spirit (waiting for it)
  2. Intellect (the people received revelation about who Jesus was)
  3. Changed Behavior (These men began to share this message and how it transformed their life and liberated them from the power of sin)

📌 What Revival Requires

📍Revival must always begin within! 

It is only when you yourself have been converted in the heart that anyone else can be convinced by your message. The apostles were first partakers of the revival that they preached.

📍Revival is always accompanied by changing the behavior.

The Apostle’s witness to receiving the spirit of Revival came when the bystanders in town from all nations could perceive their native language even though the apostles didn’t speak the same language when they spoke in their new tongues of fire.

Because the Apostles were above reproach, the naysayer’s accusation bore no weight. As their behavior didn’t contradict their message, those who challenged the purity and potency of what was released weren’t acknowledged. The people were compelled to recognize who Jesus was.

What are the behaviors you possess that prevent people from taking your message seriously?

📍Revival requires complete and continuous obedience

The fullness of God was offered to 500 people, however many didn’t heed the word of Christ with complete obedience. Though they started out well, they were moved from their position given by God because of different circumstances in life. While you were also running the race well, I wonder who hindered you?

The blessings of the Lord that overtake you don’t only require initial obedience, but they require continuous obedience.

Suppose Abraham only obeyed God’s initial request for sacrificing his son, but was not open to what God had to say as he walked in obedience. In the absence of continued obedience, he would never be able to recognize that the ram was supposed to be in place of his son, since a human sacrifice was never accepted as an atonement. 

📍Revival requires movement

In Jesus’ commissioning of the apostles to be revivalists, even though they were initially tasked with preaching the gospel of Jesus in their hometown, there was also a requirement for them to go beyond what was comfortable and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to uncharted territories.

📍Revival requires knowledge

While the apostles were men from all walks of Earth, they were all knowledgeable about the scripture because Jesus taught them the scripture so they could have a foundation to live by. The apostles, although Jesus was the word of God in flesh, were assured that, despite his absence from the flesh, his message would not only be in their mouths, but in their hearts when he died.

📍Revival requires ALL of you

One of the reasons the Apostles’ messages were so powerful and convicting was that they had a testimony that spoke to the reality of their past, while addressing the truth of their present situation, and gave clear vision for their future!

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