
Thrive In ’25: Day 8🙏🏾

Message from Our Leader 🗣️

Bishop Jefferson reminds us that this is a time of divine separation, a time to humble ourselves and seek God’s face with a spirit of expectation. As we do, we can trust that God will meet us in a profound way, healing our hearts, renewing our minds, and positioning us to carry His fresh anointing into the next season of our lives. Let this be a time where we set aside every weight that so easily besets us, where we turn away from distractions and press into the presence of God with fervency and faith. ✨

📍Intercessor: Bishop Jefferson

📖 Scripture: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” (Acts 1:8)

🙏🏽Prayer Topic: Empowered by the Holy Spirit

📚 Prayer Focus: Pray for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit to empower and guide you.


💡 Key Points:

1. 🔥 The Promise of Power

  • Key Idea: Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would give His disciples power.

    • The Greek word for power, dunamis, means dynamic or explosive power.

    • This power is not merely for personal strength but for divine enablement to accomplish God’s work.

  • Application: Reflect on moments when you felt God’s power helping you in a difficult situation.


2. ✝️ The Purpose of Empowerment

  • Key Idea: The purpose of the Holy Spirit’s empowerment is to be Christ’s witnesses.

    • Witnessing means testifying to what you have seen, heard, and experienced of Jesus.

    • Witnessing is not limited to preaching; it includes how we live our lives, showing Christ through our actions and words.

  • Application: Consider how you can reflect Christ in your daily life through your words and actions.


3. 🌎 The Scope of the Mission

  • Key Idea: Jesus outlined the progression of the mission:

    • Starting in Jerusalem (local).

    • Moving to Judea and Samaria (regional).

    • Extending to the ends of the earth (global).

  • Application: Begin sharing the Gospel in your immediate circles and allow God to expand your reach over time.


💭 Discussion Questions:

The Promise of Power

  • Why is it significant that Jesus told the disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit before starting their mission?

  • How does God’s power work differently from human strength?

The Purpose of Empowerment

  • What does it mean to be a witness for Christ in your daily life?

  • How can we rely on the Holy Spirit to help us share the Gospel with others?

The Scope of the Mission

  • How can we be intentional about sharing Christ within our local communities?

  • What are some practical ways to support global missions?


Key Takeaways:

  1. Empowerment: The Holy Spirit equips believers with power for God’s work.

  2. Purpose: We are empowered to be Christ’s witnesses in both word and deed.

  3. Mission: The Gospel message is for all people, everywhere, starting with those closest to us.


🔧 Action Steps:

  1. Pray for Empowerment: Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His power daily. 🙏🏽

  2. Live Boldly: Look for opportunities to demonstrate Christ’s love through your actions and words. 🌟

  3. Support Missions: Consider how you can support local or global efforts to share the Gospel. 🌍


🙏🏽 Conclusion: Empowered by the Holy Spirit

The promise of the Holy Spirit’s power enables us to accomplish God’s work, bear witness to Christ, and participate in His mission locally and globally. By seeking the Holy Spirit daily, we can live boldly and purposefully, carrying the Gospel to those around us and to the ends of the earth.

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