
Solemn Assembly 2024

Embracing the Breaker’s Anointing: A Call to Consecration 🙏🏾

As we step into this sacred season, our hearts are filled with anticipation and reverence for what God is about to do in our lives. The Solemn Assembly, themed “The Breaker’s Anointing,” is more than just a time of fasting and prayer; it is a divine appointment with God, a moment to align ourselves with His will, and to experience a fresh outpouring of His Spirit. From September 3rd to September 22nd, 2024, we are called to consecrate ourselves fully, setting aside the distractions of the world to seek His face with fervency and faith. 🙏🏾

The Call to Consecration 📜

In the words of Bishop Naté M. Jefferson, “This is not just a ritual; it is a time to break our wills, worldly desires, habits, and anything that hinders our walk with God.” We are invited to engage in this 20-day journey with a spirit of expectation, believing that God will do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or think. This consecration guide lays out the sacrifices we are called to make—abstaining from fried food, alcohol, social media, secular music, and other distractions—to create space for God to work in us and through us. 📅

Daily Commitment ⏰

As we embark on this journey, we commit to investing at least one hour each day in prayer 🕒, reflecting in silence for 15 minutes 🕓, and fasting from food from 6 AM to 6 PM (with an option available for overnight workers). These disciplines are not just about deprivation; they are about making room for God to move in our lives. They are about positioning ourselves to receive the Breaker’s Anointing, an anointing that breaks chains, destroys yokes, and brings transformation. 🙌🏾

Prayer Points and Scriptures 📖

Each day of the Solemn Assembly is anchored by a specific prayer point and corresponding scripture. From breaking our wills (Luke 9:23-24) to breaking unfruitful relationships (Proverbs 13:20-21), each prayer is a step towards deeper surrender and greater alignment with God’s purpose for our lives. As we pray these prayers, let us do so with sincerity, humility, and a heart fully surrendered to God’s will. 🙏🏾

A Message from Our Leader 🗣️

Bishop Jefferson reminds us that this is a time of divine separation, a time to humble ourselves and seek God’s face with a spirit of expectation. As we do, we can trust that God will meet us in a profound way, healing our hearts, renewing our minds, and positioning us to carry His fresh anointing into the next season of our lives. Let this be a time where we set aside every weight that so easily besets us, where we turn away from distractions and press into the presence of God with fervency and faith. ✨

Conclusion ✝️

As we draw nearer to September 22nd, let us do so with hearts fully surrendered, ready to experience the glory of God like never before. This Solemn Assembly is not just a turning point for our church; it is a turning point for each of us personally. May God bless you richly during this time of consecration, and may His Breaker’s Anointing rest upon you and your household. 🙏🏾

In His Service,

Bishop Naté M. Jefferson
Senior Pastor, All Nations Church of God in Christ

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